The BBC is facing increasing pressure after fresh allegations were made against an unnamed presenter. The star was suspended over the weekend after The Sun claimed that he had paid tens of thousands of pounds to a young person in exchange for sexually explicit photographs. But on Tuesday, three other allegations emerged, with BBC host
A second person has come forward with a complaint about a BBC presenter accused of paying a young person thousands of pounds for sexually explicit photos. The person told BBC News they felt threatened by the unnamed star at the centre of a row over alleged payments for sexually explicit photos. The individual in their
The BBC’s director general will face the media today as the scandal over a top presenter deepens. Tim Davie will speak to journalists as he unveils the broadcaster’s annual report, which is set to reveal how much its biggest stars are paid. But the briefing will likely be overshadowed by questions about the unnamed celebrity
A “household name” BBC presenter accused of paying a teenager for explicit photos is facing fresh allegations that he stripped to his underpants during a video call with the youth. The young person’s mother said she was “shocked” after her offspring showed her a screenshot of the video chat, in which the unnamed star was sitting